The Book. Leather texture used to make the cover pop but was painted over. I love this book.
Metal work took 6 hours of painting.

0 3

My School of Necromancy Wizard, Seth Suyara. She works as a wandering sculptor, as she could manipulate bones and dead bodies with plants. Necrobotany, anyone?

10 27

🍵 D&D Item 🍵

You should be creative on what scent you will speak inside the teapot
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

1 4

✒️ D&D Item ✒️

Be careful what you write using this pen.

Wondrous item, very rare 

5 12

🧤 D&D Item 🧤

- these gloves won't let you down.



Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) 

3 15

Made the desing of my rogue's knifes! Messy (Message of Death) Razzle and Dazzle!

3 9