Like you've never done this before

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Decided to join in on

This is my girl sporting her Coco Bandicoot ensemble. Also, all of my horses are called Bandit🤠🐴

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Thanks for da chance !
And id prolly like my boi monching some bread in his maid outfit -w- (dontjudgepls)
Ps: he got whiskers but they arent on the ref cuz is old, sorri qvq

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Seeing this completed my day, thank you arcana devs. (It's either the wink or the tiddies dontjudgeme.)

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I love my space opera idiots. (Decided to draw some accompanying art to the fic I'm writing.)

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Sometimes I just like drawing people being emotional, okay?

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Today seems like a good day to post this. it was for a friend back in 2011. Tried to color it but just didn’t have the time. They didn’t need it colored anyways. Was for the kids to color their way and learn all about Haha!
Happy Easter!

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6 ships, 6 friends
Tagged by

- Ichika/Zero (CollarxMalice)
- Jude/Ashen Hawk (PoAS) <<
- MC/Zen (Mystic Messenger)
- Biniyuri/Kageha (PoBB)
- Cardia/Lupin (Code:Realize)
- Enju/Gekkamaru (Nightshade)

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//Slides in Karo with text//
Itriedtobefunnydontjudgemepen 👀👀💦💦💦

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I'm going live on Instagram tomorrow (Wed) at 5pm Pacific to talk with about and my upcoming stream "The Rod of Seven Parts!"

I believe you'll be notified if you follow me, maybe? my Instagram skills are limited.

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Aside from retweeting a bunch of Epithet Erased Content, why not post some art of my own? Because I DEFINITELY didn't finish the series and fall in love with it in a single day...

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"Don't judge a bird" by Paula P. Cork, 2015
(graphite & watercolor)

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