I slashed my right thumb wide open at work today which makes drawing hard

Strony’s ship quote (one of my faves in the game for how mundane it is considering we’re talking about a character who could probably cave in a military bunker with a punch) is Big Mood.

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Gotta love how Pan's criticism of Shabbet's team in his one quest is that they 'look and act too differently'. They're not only one of the game's most thematically coherent teams, but the fight with them feels like it was -designed- to promote ganging up on him

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Had an odd dream last night. Part of it involved what MIGHT have been a DBZ MOBA?? Or at least, a trailer/intro for one, with absurdly detailed CGI on the level of BLUR cinematics.

Futoh was in it (by name, via announcer), but he had... scales.

It was weird.

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Lala guess who gives zero shits about the hot gaming topics and is just sitting over here drawing too many pictures of characters nobody else cares about because they help me through depression (when I'm not being depressed at how empty this fandom is, haha...)

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One of those instances where I just really like the energy of the initial rough sketch way more than the final haha. (sort of, hahaha)

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Skwash's bio states he's from a time of "ancient Saiyans."

He can turn Super Saiyan.

...Skwash is the First Super Saiyan. Ever. At least in his timeline.

It just happened so long ago that it became nothing more than a hushed legend…

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I was debating waiting to post this one 'till I had more pics to make a set, but screw it, up it goes~


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As much as I harp on his tail, I occasionally have to remind myself that there’s a very real possibility that it was just a mistake all along and Shabbet was supposed to have a Frieza-style tail, but was given a Saiyan one as some kind of modeler’s oversight.

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StreetPass Freeform Fusion in is the game's greatest mechanic and also its biggest mistake

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Probably the most liberties I've taken with a redesign so far, but Yamma/Yanba has so much face time in the game and manga that he might as well _look_ threatening, even if he's just a B-Rank loser and punchline at the end of the day. I'm fairly happy with it.

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Realizing that they can be found fighting side-by-side in-game, listening to Eulogy for the Ego while - and especially after - drawing most of yesterday’s pic ended up painting a sad story of them being best friends before Nox’s little bout of Majin insanity...

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More miscellaneous stuff: me taking advantage of the whole Nox-vs-Lumos name reference, Berserk-Majin Nox, Mirayo with a crazy demon horn instead of the old DB helmet, and powered-down Shabbet pretending to be a Namekian in an awkward attempt at reconnaissance.

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I don't actually know where I'm going with this picture overall, this was a rough color-over to brainstorm last night (it's supposed to be Planet Geyser) and forgot to put here, but I'm still kinda stuck, so it might be better to just move on.

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Some -based daily stuff. An unintended name pun, my non-Fusions OCs being nerds (sorta, Kiwan started as one), and three of my most important headworld characters dressed up in somewhat-appropriate DBZ costumes because I was bored.

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Someone's day is about to be ruined.

Longer explanation at https://t.co/LL4h6exuey

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Notice I got a bunch of new followers 'cause of that SA-X pic.

However, if you're here for Metroid art, I hope you looked through my stuff first; if you didn't you'll probably be disappointed because I mostly just draw trash! 8D;;

Anyhoo, thank you and HELLO!

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Kalif from in oozaru form. -All but one- of the 'filler' saiyans still have their tails... so imagine the utter chaos a single Power Ball could cause...

I had a whole scenario in mind, but it's too long for Twitter, sooo... outsourcing. https://t.co/ylBerqxyOV

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