Try to study Semi-Real (again) and this is "One" my fav character form DOD3. ٩(^◡^)۶💖

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Further along on the Zero WIP. I've been pretty ill the last few days, but here's some progress!❤

5 18

Accord from Drag-On Dragoon 3!! We worked on this art for so many days over the stream.

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Congrats for winning!! Sorry it took so long but here they are! Thanks a lot for asking for DoD3 characters, I enjoyed drawing them a lot!!

🗝 for | | | | | | | |

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Drakegard 3 coming to Nier Reincarnation has me thinking--

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Sales have concluded for ! Congrats to everyone who decided to purchase a copy to support the trevorproject and to all the contributors!

My final piece for the zine was included in the merchandise bundle as a wallpaper!

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ドラグオンドラグーンのゼロちゃんを描きたくなって描いてみましたφ(・ω・ )かきかき

装飾部分や文字の所のあの模様(⌒-⌒; )

でも、なんとか描ききった感があって満足です( ◠‿◠ )✨

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@/Dt75Art recently did a concept where she combined Caim and Angelus, but my furry ass self craved a more dragon-y version. So here you go! Sketch + Ink + Digital Colors.

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Seven years have passed since was released on May 20th.

PAL ver is May 21th

The Japanese version is December 19, 2013, 6 months ago.
(#DragOnDragoon3 / /

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Zero & Mikhali fanart, from Drakengard 3

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