Moments that annoy or frustrate you so much they make you question what went through editorials minds when they did it? 🐱

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La llista dels còmics publicats en català l'any 2021 (ordenats per editorials), al blog L'Illa de Còmic:

Amb les dades que tenc ara per ara, se'n varen publicar 261.

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📅 Del 21 al 24/04, els museus de Barcelona celebren

📍 , el , i el programen activitats pròpies com:
📚 Presentació de llibres i projectes editorials
👀 Visites guiades
👉 Activitats familiars

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I have returned once again with my quiet editorials. Here's to doing some more this year 🤙🏾

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Hello I'm Natsumi, an illustrator from Japan working mainly in editorials! Also looking for projects in advertising and publishing✨


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Hello there 👋

I'm Fran, a freelance Illustrator based in the UK. I work on editorials, posters and everything inbetween. Feel free to get in touch!


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Hello I'm Fran, an illustrator & graphic designer. I make picture books, editorials, & brand materials among other things. I'm a big fan of nature, daily life, childhood & food. Currently open for work & intl reps!

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“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” Thomas Merton

HARMONY © 2022 Barbara Gibson, digital

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Avui i fins el 24/3 té lloc la on hi té un estand que acull més de 40 participants, entre editorials i il·lustradors/es.


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No sabeu les ganes que tinc de saber que les editorials es barallin per la llicència. Tot i que he dir, que la qui em té el cor robat és la sèrie d'animació. 🥰

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art for me is lifelong improvement. But also, I try to take the time to celebrate where I am. It's a good antidote to impostor syndrome.

And yes, I do non-pixelart. I used to do oils, magazine editorials and I still do some high-res illustrations sometimes. Also cosplay ^-^'

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Year 3 of Covid *anguished scream*

editorials for the New Republic

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💬Si us interessa el còmic, no us ho podeu perdre
💥GRAF PRO, les editorials independents de còmic presents al Festival presentaran les seves darreres novetats, aquí a la
Teniu fins al 7 de març per inscriure-us

⏰10-14 h

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Hello I'm Natsumi, a Japanese illustrator who loves turning conceptual ideas into atmospheric illustrations for editorials and advertising. Looking forward to working on more exciting projects this year! 💫

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The first work day of 2022 is as good a time as any to share I've moved to full-time freelance illustration.

Open to chat bout projects, books, product illos, editorials, etc. Thrilled to see what the year brings. ✨


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.’ cover story for the Winter issue of showcases custom looks designed by Photography by and styling by

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I per concloure aquest mega llistat, no hi ha millor notícia que anunciar que l'editorial publicarà el "Dales Caña" del mestre DAC el qual sortirà pel proper i anirà dedicat a les editorials.

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