Eles felizes pq vão treinar juntos, amei muito sim ❤️ https://t.co/1Uk8U1WFOX

4 38

drawthread fill i really need to put on a background… making a quiche with cheese and caramelized onion now

4 23

BRUH I just relized that I always kept recreating my OC without noticing it 💀💀💀

heres my OC in 2023, 2020 and 2017

0 9

happy ! im Eden a Belizean 🇧🇿 and Nevisan 🇰🇳 creator. I'm a Visdev who also works on my projects centering around carribean characters and their experiences.

127 316

Hi so im doing some tetri themed YCH's!

each one is $25 USD (but for the L, J, S and Z block, you get them as a couple pic for $50 USD) theres also an example featuring my fursona and 's fursona!

you can get them kinda pixelized too if youd like for free!

0 0

Espero que goste do meu trabalho, estou me esforçando pra fazer as pessoas felizes com os meus projetinhos ❤️

1 4

Did one pixelized and the other 2D as I said in the description on the booru. While former was good for sooner capturing the Kirby Superstar style, the latter would be less of a hassle to do for Vermil (and later Val and Yolk) to finish.

1 4

I just relized whats up with sayden and having only one arm up

2 10

Ah week 6 when

(6 poses left to redraw and pixelize🥹)

9 110


Faço uma versão da kuromi pra voltar a ser gótico?

14 56




イラストはガーヴィニ様( )デザインは星屑屋様( )に依頼致しました。

9 14

oi eu sou nasa e faço umas artes de vez em nunca no digital e tradicional, e sempre tento fazer as pessoas felizes com o meu trabalho

4 36

Unfortunately Frozen Teardrop is a novelized sequel set years after Wing... There is no adaptation of it as of yet. It IS also set on/around Mars though.

Quatre is the (Male) she's cloned from and he's in Wing.
With a less cool robot.

1 2

Hoje é dia de karaokê que tanto queriam, estão felizes?? Provavelmente vou morrer de vergonha🥺


3 15

☆5 Evangelize (Radio Edit) 14→12個落ちに更新! ブレークまでと最後が黄ばみポイント てか凄く素直なリズムと配置なのに妙に黄ばむのは何なんだろう…

0 1

Ver esses dois aq 👇🏼 finalmente tendo PAZ na vida deles, indo morar numa casinha na praia e sendo felizes depois de tanta desgraça me fez chorar cara, vsf como pode um simples bl ser tão maravilhoso incrível bonito formoso bem escrito delicioso

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