They just don't design pants with tails in mind.

4 46

Sorry it's been an off week for me, but I made the time and effort to be sure I had Carver and Rowan ready to post for

24 166

I, um, seem to have gone full Pornographer on this one. 😳
But, anyway, it's So, here, have a booty. 😁

22 120

So it's mid-afternoon here, now, but it's still 😘

14 94

I decided to bring Kitt back for today's second pic.

17 158

I think we should all take a few moments to appreciate that it's again. 😁

43 202

Yup. Still

[/Just whistles innocently and saunters away after dropping this.]

10 63

For this I'm returning to my old "Colby has signed the boys up for 'So You Think You Can Strip' night at the club he works at" scenario.

12 122

And here's another Quickie.

11 71

Hrmmm... If I'm gonna keep doing Fantasy-style pics every once in a while I should remember to start looking up references for horses.🤦‍♂️

Anyway: Happy

8 85

Dunno why I've fixated on these two side characters recently, but, well, they hopped into my head and insisted on being featured for this week's

...I don't really mind. 😁

9 95

Merry everyone!
Be sure to take time and enjoy unwrapping your packages.

5 86

Sorry I didn't manage to find the time to get this done for a 2nd pic. Guess it'll have to be a

7 80

time again.

This started out pretty good, I felt, but then I started to color in the water and...🤷‍♂️

If I get time later I'll try to do another pic featuring a fine ass, today, but I can't make any promises.

4 63

It's another
It kinda snuck up on me for some reason this week, but I managed to get something done for it.

....And one of these days I'll figure out what Milo's hairstyle should finally look like.🤔

6 51

returns with a pic of Rowan and Carver.
It's more of a profile shot, but I hope no one minds.

10 84

I can always count on Colby to volunteer for

8 78

Ooh... It's another pic?😃

28 151

Huh... It's time for again, already?
I've drawn so many asses this week it's hard to keep track.
And way more visible dicks than normal for me, too.🤔

14 90

Don't get so distracted looking at a fine ass that you don't watch where you're going on this, the first of October.

76 457