The small deer child sits Angerly as she tries to remember w h y she angy

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Jake and Aistra
Jake it is a Nathaniel older brother. They love each other but can't say about this.

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Redraw my old art
It is my SVTFOE oc Eliza and Nathaniel

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More than even I got hooked on variations of Star and decided to draw a crossover with Tokyo Ghoul. So Star drew IN THE FORM OF A Kaneki :D

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Draw my main oc Aistra)
She be a clothes designer)

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I watched episode 17 of season 2 for a long time and remembered this cutie. I apologize for the colors, I only when I reviewed the series realized that the screen is not accurate in terms of colors :'3

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Whenever I see a cat-like creature in SVTFOE I get really excited cuz my SVTFOE oc is a cat/monster, so I drew my oc reacting to other cat-like monsters in the show :33

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