You've Been Virtually Book'd For Week 6, May 4 Is Here!

A Special edition filled with lots of eBooks about reading, writing, authors, illustrators, libraries, creating & more!


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NEW Library Media Templates For Everyone Found Here!

We loved using them with our 2nd graders to talk about the books they loved and what they were reading. ❤️

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Looking for a special way to connect with your students? 💌

Create a Bookmark with a special note & give them a link/QR code to your digital resources too. 🎉

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One of the best messages I got all week was one from one of our parents asking if we could start a parent book club!

Heck yes, we can! I am planning it right now. 🎉🎉🎉

Stay tune ❤️

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Friendmoji Fun To Use From The Library, Classroom & So Much More!

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What digital timeline creator does everyone love to use with students?

We have used a few in the past, but wonder what else is out there. 🥳

Thank you, friends for your help.

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Here is a fun way to connect and celebrate reading with your students and families...

Create a "Where Are You Reading" 😍

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Staying Connected To Our School Community With The Virtual Vibes

Read how we are using Flipgrid to stay connected to our students & families. 😀

is making a difference! ❤️

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New post for Saturday and to help with friends...

10 Ways Teacher Librarians Can Use For Remote Learning With Students, Families and Teachers ❤️

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In the event that your school is closed for an extended period of time as a result of recent events, has put together a collection of digital games that students can play at home:

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This is an awesome interview with author of Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive The Bus! about creativity, drawing as empathy, and letting kids “do 51 percent of the work.” Check it out:

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What a special treat it was to have author, Tom Watson, come to with Stick Dog and Stick Cat! 🎉🎉🎉

Read all about it and see lots of pictures here in this post. It was so much fun! 😃

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Loving these resources from to share with Ss, Ts and families Found them on

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Our Strategic Planning Leadership Pathways team hard at work! It has been rejuvenating and inspiring to work with these agents of change!

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A book review for Feast of Peas...a new picture book mystery set in India, full of friendship, food and gardening.

You will love this one from our friends at Kashmira Sheth and Jeffrey Ebbeler.

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Check out this weeks AMAZING Daily Decks!

You can sign up here to use these with your students too...

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Here are a few tips on how you can help develop lifelong reading habits and foster kids’ love of reading from :

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What an amazing new resource!

Paris Museums Put 100,000 Images Online for Unrestricted Public Use.

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