Limited time offer for tailwinds more than halfway to Hawaii today!

Follow to find out whether any of the bar-tailed staging on the Kuskokwim Shoals in will take the bite and begin the trans-Pacific migration to New Zealand...

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Zoom-in, zoom-out!
The TWO SPATIAL REALITIES for bar-tailed migrating from Alaska to New Zealand. 1-Negotiating 10700 km across entire northern Pacific, hindered/facilitated by wind systems, 2-Recovering and refuelling on a reef system near Papua New Guinea.

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simple pleasures- Osprey in the bay so the godwits fled and I could just enjoy it splooshing after mullet.

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Bar-tailed '4BBWY' has second thoughts... This is totally reasonable, as he is facing screaming headwinds south of Unimak, one of islands in Alaskan Arc, right now.
Whole saga to unfold in near real-time at:

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Black-tailed Godwit getting ready to leave roost and preening standing on one leg

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Dunlin, Bar-tailed & Black-tailed Godwits - hightide sketch

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Godwits is Portuguese-Frisian collection of poems by Raquel Lima, Nuno Piteira, Elmar Kuiper and Jan Kleefstra. The seed was sown during visit to Lisbon by King of the Meadows project - under guise of LF Cultural Capital in 2018. Orders:

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More than half of the sat-tagged black-tailed breeding in Netherlands & Germany (#grutto, have left the countries towards south, but no crossings yet. Breeding success has been poor in most areas. Follow them yourself at:

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<No. 065 Bar-tailed Godwit>

The mudflats of the Yellow sea are precious rest areas on our long trip from New Zealand to Alaska.
If you want to find me, try to look for a bird with a slightly upturned bill.

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Interestingly, low pressure system throbbing north of Aleutians divided arriving Tow of the five took path of least resistance south of system, but one fought headwinds north of Saint Paul. What will next 2 do? See:

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A quick watercolour contribution tonight to a fascinating bird !

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Colour-your-own godwits for because I don't really have a lot to do at the moment...

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and a lovely Talbot-Kelly Black-tailed Godwit

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Today's from - Bar-tailed Godwit. These large, brown waders are found on the shore & saltmarsh. Seen all year except June. Smaller males change colour in Apr as they travel from Africa to their Arctic Russian nesting grounds, refuelling at Rye Harbour

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4/15 Black-tailed godwits who spend their winters on UK coastlines might be heading up to Iceland around about now; some have even been known to do the whole 1000+miles without stopping!

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New artwork for sale! - "Marbled Godwit" -

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30th January 1019 AD. The last Bear in England stood by the flat golden shores of the Wash, midst the oystercatchers & the godwits. His heart was troubling him & he had little strength left. As the moon rose, he felt dizzy & fell there on the soft dunes, under a blaze of stars.

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Merry Christmas everyone_
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14.

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