C'è chi preferisce cantare al karaoke che ascoltare il mare.
La mia vignetta del lunedì per SputnInk

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"he is other’s hell, but he is my bliss”

the cold-blooded governor × notorious assassin treading a long bloody journey of revenge but the way the mere thought of the other can make their lonely days a bit warmer, the governor is sick

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Sarah Huckabee, governor of , has loosened work requirements for children. Who needs the pesky government verifying that kids are old enough to do dangerous, grueling work?

15 21

Archivio mio. Legge 21 anni fa. "Il grande gioco della Bossi-Fini". Vignettone uscito da me per me, e per il mio blog, nel 2002 appunto.

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Staking, raffles, art upgrades and a solid community. As a Governor, I know the is going to have my back for a long time.

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A governor of the people threatening the people, wow, how do you let that fly Texas? We the People are in charge in this Democracy, not some man named Greg, WTF?

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Haha, true, but you don’t really believe that, it’s just on your bumper stickers from the 70s. Commandant has made more laws in FL in his reign that the last 10 governors of FL. Freedoms he calls them 😂

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I feel contractually obligated to show this to my state's governor if I ever get the chance to meet him, I think it would send him straight to hell to see this

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Sam Houston in 1859. Houston served as the First and Third Presidents of Texas, as well as the Seventh governor.

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Mais um livro infantil finalizado para o PAIC - Programa Alfabetização na Idade Certa! O livro completo com o título e todas as outras ilustrações estarão em breve nas escolas do Governo do Estado do Ceará.

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Il ministro dell'istruzione Valditara minaccia la preside del Liceo di Firenze. Se questa è l'idea che ha della scuola allora il pestaggio punitivo era solo l'ora di ricreazione!

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Monkey Island shenanigans ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ☆

Known as the Sword Master of Melee Island, and nowadays the Governor of Melee Island. One of 'em many badass ladies from Monkey Island

Carla from Return to Monkey Island ❤️

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Prince Alexander of Teck, by Leslie Ward - Vanity Fair, 9 December 1908

Major General Alexander Cambridge was a British Army commander and major-general who served as Governor-General of the Union of South Africa and as Governor General of Canada.

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