3: “We had a successful hunt, got much ivory and lost a few hunters.”

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7: ‘With the king’s permission the daring lad unfolds an impish scheme of such audacity that the noble lords of the Council shout with approval.’

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in 1945
Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur. Written & illustrated by Hal Foster. No. 416 - 7 January, 1945
‘Val awakens to a most delicious sensation; his face and brow are being bathed with water. Cool, life-giving water!’

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Panel 4: ‘By the warmth of the campfire Julian tells a strange tale of devotion to duty.’

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Panel 7: ‘Many knights throng the roads until a splendid procession with banners flying and trumpets sounding, moves on to Camelot, city of wonder.’

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7: ‘“Look, Arn, knights of the Round Table, Sir Kay, Percival, Negarth, Tristam and Uriens. We are saved!”’
‘Next Week - Homeward Bound’

From https://t.co/tRtK1itqUz

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3: ‘One stormy day a wide river-mouth bars their way.’

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in 1944
‘Beric sees his master’s limp body drifting away amid the wreckage. He leaps into the sea.’
Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur, written & illustrated by Hal Foster. No. 392 - 13 August 1944, panel 6

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6: ‘Swimming around to the stern of Arn’s ship, Val clambers up the steering oar’

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3: ‘Picking up a leathern bucket Val leaps into the sea -- ‘

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while Prince Arn’s rescue ship is delayed by the second sea-rover. In desperation Val seizes the “Singing Sword,” cuts loose the sail and destroys the rudder.’
‘Without shield or armor Val stands facing certain death at the hands of the enraged pirates.’

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Panel 7: ‘The second ship shortens sail and turns to intercept the daring pursuers.’
‘Next Week - The Sea Fight’

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Weekly :: Nov 9, 2018
Emma Burroughs Tribute ~ Murder Mystery ~ Comes to Delhi Chessmen of Mars art Life & Legacy Events

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