In stores today, Lord of the Jungle from Dan Jurgens and Benito Gallego. Check out these awesome covers by Phillip Tan, Dan Panosian, Moritat, Rob De La Torre and Josh Burns!

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Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Carter of Mars, Four Square, 1968. Cover: Josh Kirby. Barsoom series no. 11.

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Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Fighting Man of Mars, New English Library, 1971-74 editions. Cover: Richard Clifton-Dey. Serialized in The Blue Book Magazine, 1930. Barsoom series no. 7.

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ターザンと呪われた密林 (1932)

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ターザンに憧れてアフリカまでやって来た社長令嬢が、偽物ターザンに誘拐されるという事件が発生! ジャングルの王者ターザン(本物)が出動します!

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ターザンとライオン・マン (1934)

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September 1, 1875: American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs is born.

Burroughs was the creator of jungle legend and hero The first Tarzan story appeared in 1912.

✒️ "#EdgarRiceBurroughs was, and is, the most influential writer, bar none, of our century." ~

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Bonus the queen herself, Jane Greystoke nee Porter. Turns out meetings can be productive after all.

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Who is Jane Porter? Find out at the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe Character Portal:

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La of Opar. Trying to keep it simple and loose, but also play around with color. If I were to do a comic in Tarzan's world, there's a pretty good chance it would be about La.

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Releitura que fiz da ilustração original de Frank Schoonover de 1917
Minha versão estará no livro "Heróis Pulp" da .
Um dia encaro de fazer uma HQ nesse climão John Carter,quem sabe...

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HUGE thanks to .branch and for some gorgeous covers, and colors. Launching in a week, I'm super excited about this one!

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