You are the reason for me the way you know me in your life.

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I love it when you talk to me, I like the fact that you don't always approve of my actions, and your harsh assessment of everything I do, and your careful tenderness... I do not know how, but I will do anything for you.

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You give me a strange feeling. It's like a thin thread connects us with you. It stretches from somewhere in my chest... I am very afraid that if you leave, the thread will break. I'll start bleeding from the inside, and you'll just forget me

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I love the ground under his feet, and the air above his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says. I love his every look, and every movement, and his whole whole!

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The greatest pleasure that Love can give you is when you take a loved one by the hand for the first time.

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The highest happiness of life is the certainty that you are loved: loved for your own sake, or rather, loved in spite of you...

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Weird, right? Go through hundreds of names to come back to her again. To find out that you were so desperately loved.

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As long as at least one of the two loving people is alive, their love story continues...

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But I want you to remember one thing: I don't regret anything and I won't regret it. We have each other — that's the main thing. Everything else is a prefix, ending or... selfdeception. Love you

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A perfect relationship if you are.. fight like husband and wife, chat like best friends, flirt like 16-year-olds and take care of each other like brother and sister.

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Run, rush without taking a breath. And then, one day, stop and tell her, looking straight into her eyes: I only need you, honestly. And believe it.

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Being loved is more than being rich, because being loved means being happy.

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I want to be the last woman
Final, final
Not chatted, but married,
By the clear light of your abode

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Oh, the one who is with me is restless in his soul
And there is no one to embrace... I know how to love.
I'm deceptively shy.
I am so timidly gentle and always silent.

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A real man should give way to a woman and not give way to anyone next to her.

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I was harassed by SOMEONE to upload this so here ya go

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