Today's monster is Hypnocatrice, introduced to the main MH series in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP.

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It seems that Hypnocatrice vary from place to place. The ones encountered in the Mezeporta District look and behave a bit differently from the ones encountered in the Dundorma District.

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Left = Monster Hunter Frontier's Hypnocatrice

Right = Monster Hunter Freedom Unite's Hypnocatrice

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Which four monsters would you like to see the return of in Monster Hunter Rise: and, out of the four, which one do you want to see the most?

My list:
1. Monoblos
2. Hypnocatrice
3. Lagiacrus
4. Najarala

Prime candidate:

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Not a parrot but god I hope Hypnocatrice finally gets to return

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Can't lie, they are some of the most mh design in frontier, but even then hypnocatrice some times has very tacky colors.
It's not as pleasent to look at like say a blue yian kut tu

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Breeding Season Hypnocatrice isn't a subspecies of Hypnocatrice, but rather an individual during the breeding season. During this season, a Hypnocatrice's colors will change so that the individual can attract a mate.

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Name: Breeding Season Hypnocatrice (ヒプノック繁殖期)
Title: Blue Sleep Bird (蒼眠鳥)

Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Bird Feet
Infraorder: Bird Wyvern
Family: Hypnoc

Habitats: Great Forest

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I'll be going from 1.5 to ZZ (I'm skipping the normal Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth since they are considered 2nd Gen monsters in the Main Series, and I plan on talking about them at a later date ). I'll do three monsters each week since there are more of them (Mon, Wed, and Fri).

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*shuffles in* Does anyone even remember Hypnocatrice ?

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Its direct descendant is thought to be Hypnocatrice since both share many similarities with each other, including the complex beak. Hypnocatrice could be a clue to better understanding how Borudoru evolved and changed over time, becoming other Bird Wyverns.

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I know people will bring up Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth, but those two were designed by both the Main Team and Frontier Team, which is the reason why those two appear outside of Frontier. Since the Main Team played a part in their creation, those two also belong to that team.

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The most hunted monsters in Monster Hunter Frontier.
1. Dyuragaua
2. Gogomoa
3. Hypnocatrice
4. Akura Vashimu
5. Espinas

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These were the first Zenith Species introduced in Frontier:

1. Zenith Espinas
2. Zenith Hypnocatrice
3. Zenith Khezu
4. Zenith Daimyo Hermitaur
5. Zenith Rathalos
6. Zenith Akura Vashimu
7. Zenith Tigrex
8. Zenith Blangonga

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The sixth Exotic Species to be introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier was Nargacuga. Many years after Monster Hunter Freedom Unite brought over Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth, Frontier brings over Nargacuga from the Main Series in G10.

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Monster Hunter Frontier G9 introduced two new HC Monsters: HC Silver Hypnocatrice and HC Lavasioth Subspecies.

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Here are two of my... sonas, I guess! The bird is my main one. He's based off of an FF7 chocobo and, somewhat, a Hypnocatrice. The Tidal Najarala one wears my favorite scarf. They were drawn by !

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