Drew my fav Mixed set from MHFU. Maining Hunting Horn solo was still pretty fun, all things considered.

Bone Horn G is my fav to use when I go back to do some old school hunts.

3 13

it's MHFU's birthday in japan today! It's still the monhun game i have the most hours in at a whopping 720.

It also introduced Hypnocatrice to the mainline game... where it has remained for 15 years 🥲

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Pretty sure its just a coincidence but I still find it funny how the best hammer in Wild Hearts reminds me so much of one of MHFU's best hammers

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Official Monster Hunter concept art!
▸Kushala Daora, the Steel Dragon

46 234

I absolutely love all the creature designs, but my hands-down fave is the It's so CUTE and fighting it is so weird. It's also the first big Wyvern I got to fight back when I first played MHFU on PSP. I wish they included it in

1 10

Hace un tiempo estuve jugando diariamente monster hunter freedom unite con unos amigos. Fue la primera vez que probaba la saga y aunque no es del todo lo mío me divertí bastante. Disfruten el fanart de yo cazando un tigrex xd.

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I wonder why they gave Hypnocatrice a green tint on its feathers in MHFU, it doesn’t have it in frontier but I do really like it

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Replayed MHFU not long ago and...

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part of me wants to go through mhfu with a heavy bowgun despite knowing i will suffer

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"Armadura de Kirin"
Está armadura es muy popular por alguna razón • _•
La espada no me salió bien xD

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They brought back the beach map from MHFU!

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Monsters with hard to read attack animations present the most fun challenge

Chameleos (specifically the MHFU and MH4U version)
Khezu (MH4U GRank and his annoying electric shield)
Black Gravios (can instantly tail swipe without warning)
Nerscylla (especially when its upside down) https://t.co/inQ2WIRGjx

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"Nargacuga Lash"
'A top-flight Nargacuga tail. An ideal crafting material due to its flexibility and strength.'
- Item Box Loot for

0 13

Welcome to the Main Series, Espinas!

Hypnocatrice - First Appearance: MHFU (2008)

Lavasioth - First Appearance: MHFU (2008)

Espinas - First Appearance: MHRS (2022)

177 1077

Love my boy Barioth, but emerald congalala in mhfu has some fucking ridiculous damage output and took me a WEEK to kill him. I had an easier time with HR white fatalis! https://t.co/kBdUj06QHw

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MHF2, MHFU, MHTri, MHPThird, MH4U, MHGen, MHW/Iceborn, MHRise/Sunbreak. The list won't be stopping anytime soon !

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The only monster in the series that has ever gotten a Subspecies (Sand Barioth - MHP3) and Variant (Frostfang Barioth - MHWI) is Barioth, which I'm honestly still puzzled by. I would also count Diablos, but that One-Horned Diablos (MHFU) is just seen as a standard Diablos. https://t.co/3TMrQ4ARra

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Comparison between Rathian meshes for MHFU, MHW and MHR. Wireframe, Naked Model (with normals correctly set), Textured and Rendered (with PBR textures properly applied).

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Final MHFU highlight video later today featuring this dude (and me!) Art by

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