Soundtrack I've created during Slavic Game Jam for cyberpunk adventure game mAIn COMPetition is also on my YT - link to the playlist: The game is available on Steam. Artwork by Shinureal.

5 7

"A mariner, born and bred onboard a buccaneer brig, whose soul has become so inured to storm and strife that if cast ashore she would weary and languish."

11 38

inure, autorretrato 2019

7 59

Timed sketches in fude fountain pen (three minures) and watercolor wash (not timed) with a triad of Perylene Maroon, Gold Ochre, and Indanthrene Blue from Winsor and Newton, photo reference from Grafit Studio (Ancient Queen photo pack)

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I'm looking to submit to someone and be completely transformed, mind and body, into a mindless drone or furtinure. I wish to rest my mind for a while.

6 20

3. OC for InuRenko!

I aim to update more slowly for next few days,,👩‍🦳

23 121

Virshe the northern elf is now inured with traversing tropical rainforests with her spiderweave mesh raiment. She pioneers where her brethren are thwarted by insect bites and stifling heat and humidity with her frog familiar.

4 7


- We dream of $$$ w/ CLT's own Joe Sig in his *New* Video "Count'n Hunneds" 🎶

- February is for Love, feat. Dating Sims & Visual Novels! For Feb 6th, we're hitting both w/ Inure Coffee & Sakura Wars 🎮


1 1

Des enluminures aux couleurs de vos jeux préférés ! C'est une création de Simon de Thuillères que vous pouvez vous procurer via KissKissBankBank !

82 487

Short time | retomber dans une vieille passion avec un petit pastiche d’enluminure 😉

1 22

Enluminures médiévales ⚜️

53 211

🧙‍♂️ En fêtons les Martin.
Missionnaire infatigable, il parcourut la Gaule et fonda de nombreuses communautés chrétiennes rurales. Il partagea son manteau 🧥 avec un démuni, et devint le Saint patron des Voyageurs.🧭 🗺️


2 9

No. 31: Taking a short rest.

Bunny girls are insatiable... Or at least this one... She will be up for it in like... 30 Minures...?

And with this one, it's finally over. 31 Images... I FUCKING DID IT! KINKTOBER COMPLETE!

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Hello !
Je tente ma chance je kiffe tellement la période d'Halloween ☺

Pour le déguisement je veux bien un ange déchu en soft gore (plumes plantées dans sa peau, bleus, égratinures) -> J'ai une photo de réf de ce déguisement si tu veux j'envoie en PV

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Regard sur la littérature persane entre les XIIe et XVIIe siècles à travers cette exposition virtuelle de , qui présente les genres littéraires, l'art du livre, de la calligraphie, les techniques d'enluminure et le travail de la reliure.

19 50

I'm a sanrio Stan and I realised recently I could kinda dupe the style.

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quelque 800 manuscrits médiévaux issus des collections de la et de la , ainsi qu'un dossier sur l'histoire de ces ouvrages et les techniques d'enluminure.

71 222

Compilation of Crux and his gradually more and more cursed wardrobe. He's a demon who vaguely learned how to take a human form but not fully.
He sounds like half a horse when he runs and honestly just does his best in this weird world bc he can't remember shit.

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Sliding my way into the - I always forget to post my art here but hey ho.

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