Just saw an old man riding a bike with music speakers tied to the handle bars! Priceless!”

2 7

maybe I should paint smiley faces on my toenails so that Woodlice will think that there is a crowd of 10 friendly people approaching them.”

2 5

My head feels full of sponges. Clear out you damned aquatic beasts that I may think and achieve stuff!!”

2 3

just saw a monk littering... what's the world coming too?”

2 4

I can't find my nose hair trimmer. I am rocking this terrible squid nose.”

2 2

God I love my dictionary. I'd like to carry it round with me and take it out for a beer or two on special occasions”

3 9

Got a feeling these greenfly are going to rule the world within another day or two. Where are all the killer ladybirds when you need em?”

3 7

Rock climbing daughter still struggling to get out of bed”

2 1

I might come back as a cow with a fan attached to my ass so I don't miss any fecker


2 4

I have bought the best sausages and I am damn well going to eat them.”


2 3

I think the goodness of eating dried apricots probably diminishes when you consume a whole goddamn bag of them like a fruity ogre”


3 2

Enormous robots from japan destroying shit massively!”


3 4

Just witnessed a magpie skipping. Most mental sight ever. So far. Well, I'm only young inni’?"


4 5

Pig bird did a test flight & is now roosting on the shelter frame! She is so tired, i'm really happy she's found somewhere safe to sleep!”


3 3

My minute of mayhem was two 5year old boys banging the shit out a drum kit! Brilliant!!! ♬”


2 4

This morning I ran up and down Winter Hill in retro running gear and a panda mask. Not my usual Sunday morning, particularly at 8.30am.”


6 8

I foresee me falling asleep and waking up looking like a lobster”


3 3

New TV series: "Academics Arrest Religious Leaders": Episode 1 - Richard Dawkins arrests the Pope.”

3 2

It’s an otter that plays the trumpet.”


4 7

Me and my mum have tried to find a cartoon black and white morphing blob alien character on google. It's taken over the evening…"

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