【Coleus】Today's flower is Coleus! This flower has the meaning of "good health"😊As it's getting colder with the Autumn weather, please keep yourself warm and keep good health sissy!

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【Monstera】Today's flower is Monstera. This flower has the meaning of "happy news". I guess whenever you appear in front of me, it equals to happy news for me😎

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【Flower of Apple】Today's flower is the flower of Apple. This flower has the meaning of "priority" and "preference". When it comes to me, you know who my no.1 priority is, right😉✨

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"It would be great if you could support our project for our app, so that we can release each of our routes. We can assure you an amazing love experience😉"

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【Boneset】Today's flower is Boneset. This flower has the meaning of "hesitation". I'm not used to showing my feelings so I do hesitate in many situations, but for you I will try my best to show my true self😐

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【Cosmos】Today's flower is Cosmos my girl! This flower has the meaning of "harmonious" and "modest"😊 I love harmonious atmospheres and the pink colour of this flower is beautiful too😍

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"As a crown prince of Warrior, I kindly ask for your support on our project🙏 Can you help us so our stories can all be translated in English? It would be great if we could provide all the stories in English and have people all around the world enjoy

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【Scarlet Rose Mallow】Today's flower is Scarlet Rose Mallow! This flower has the meaning of "calm" and "gentle"☺️The flower is also very pretty just like you sissy😊🥰

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【Joseph's Coat】Today's flower is Joseph's Coat! This flower has the meaning of "immortality"😯 It seems this meaning comes from the way the leaves don't drop easily😊 What a strong plant indeed✨

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【Bush Clover】Today's flower is Bush Clover. This flower has the meaning of "thoughts" and "flexible spirit". I'd say this is my kind of flower🙄I like thinking about many problems and coming up with new ideas.

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【Yew】Today's flower is Yew. This flower has the meaning of "regret" and "disappointment"😶 I often feel disappointed when you don't understand me, but I guess it's also my fault as I don't express myself much.

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【Globe Amaranth】Today's flower is Globe Amaranth. This flower has the meaning of "unfading love"😉 This meaning seems to come from its unfading colours. Isn't it kind of cool?

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🔔28 Days Left🔔
We have 28days left till our deadline for our project😱😱😱 All lovers, please help us reach our goal😭😭

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【Meadow saffron】Today's flower is Meadow saffron! This flower seems to have the the meaning of "dangerous beauty"😯 I do love dangerous beauties like you my girl 😍🥰 I don't mind at all being played☺️

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【Lily turf】Today's flower is Lily Turf. This flower has the meaning of "hidden feelings" and "patience". I don't care if others don't understand my hidden feelings, but I hope you know well about it😕

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【Sage】Today's flower is Sage. This flower has the meaning of "family love". I've got so much support from my family till now and they mean a lot to me. Hope you love each of them too, as they're very special🤗

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【Balsam】Today's flower is Balsam. This flower has the meaning of "ardent love". What, you want an ardent love? I can give you that, but are you prepared😏✨?

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【Balloon Plant】Today's flower is Balloon Plant! This flower has the meaning of "I want to fly with you"🎈Wouldn't be nice to float and fly like a balloon?😍 It makes me so excited☺️

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【Rubia】Today's flower is Rubia! This flower has the meaning of "think of me"✨ I'm always thinking about you, but hope you're thinking about me from time to time too😍❤️

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【Miscanthus】Today's flower is Miscanthus. I don't know if you can call this a flower, but this has the meaning of "mutual understanding". It's a great feeling when you achieve that, as I often get misunderstood🙄

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