🚩6 Days Left🚩
6 days left till our deadline for are still in need of backers🙏🙏🙏 For more info, please click the below link!


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Hello! My name’s kisekaree and I love drawing original art. My inspirations came from nature! 🌿🍀

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【Bouvardia】Today's flower is Bouvardia! This flower has the meaning of "close friendship" & "passion"☺️You're my closest friend forever sissy😍

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【Toad Lily】Today's flower is Toad Lily. This flower has the meaning of "I'm forever yours". In our case, this "I" doesn't mean me, but you though. "You're forever mine"😎

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【Miniature Rose】Today's flower is Miniature Rose. This flower has the meaning of "endless love". Since this is the meaning, I'd love to give hundreds of these to you😉✨

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【Rose Mary】Today's flower is Rose Mary. This flower has the meaning of "abiding love". You were the one who taught me there is true love. In return I'd like to give you an abiding love😎

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【Cleome】Today's flower is Cleome! This flower has the meaning of "a secret moment"😉I'd love to have more secret moments with you young lady. Are you free this evening?😍

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【Sage】Today's flower is Sage. This flower has the meaning of "good home" and "family love". I never met your parents or family, but I'm 200% sure they will adore me😉

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【Coleus】Today's flower is Coleus! This flower has the meaning of "good health"😊As it's getting colder with the Autumn weather, please keep yourself warm and keep good health sissy!

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"It would be great if you could support our project for our app, so that we can release each of our routes. We can assure you an amazing love experience😉"

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🔔28 Days Left🔔
We have 28days left till our deadline for our project😱😱😱 All lovers, please help us reach our goal😭😭

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【Butterfly Bush】Today's flower is the Butterfly Bush! This flower has the meaning of "love in the air"😍 I sure do feel the love in the air when I'm with you young lady🥰❤️

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【Indigo Flower】Today's flower is the Indigo Flower. This flower has the meaning of "beautifully dressed"😉 Whatever you wear, you always look beautiful to me☺️ So amazing😍

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【Aloe】Today's flower is the Aloe! This flower has the meaning of "pain" and "sorrow"😭 If you're feeling sad or down, I'm always here to cheer you up sissy☺️🤗 Please rely on me✨

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【Begonia】Today's flower is Begonia! This flower has the meaning of "pain of love" and "unrequited love"🤔 Don't worry though, I already know how you feel and I feel the same way too😍❤️ mutual love☺️

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【Chrysanthemum】Today's flower is Chrysanthemum. This flower has the meaning of "noble"😎 This meaning seems to come from the appearance of this flower. So much like me😏

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Hello! My name is kisekaree, I draw original art and fanart! Lately I’ve been painting a lot of flowers. I hope you like my art 🌿

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【Zephyr flower】Today's flower is the Zephyr flower. This flower has the meaning of "tainted love"☺️ This seems to come from its purely white appearance. I would love to send many of these to you, to express my love ✨

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【Flower of Orange】Today's flower is the Flower of Orange☺️ Did you know this flower has the meaning of "innocence" and "wedding feast"?✨ I love weddings, they make me so excited😍❤️

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❤️The Rewards on
In some of our rewards, we provide postcards😍 We specifically made them for this reward✨So you can only get them by supporting us on Please support our project if you're interested😊🥰

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