Another another commission for my lovely friends @ ishipallthings and Carmen ❤
being cuties and being disasters

34 136

Siko seli ni ugonjwa unaosababishwa na mabadiliko katika chembe nyekundu za damu kutokana na mabadiliko ya haemoglobin.

Chembe nyekundu hubadilika na kuwa na umbo la mundu, kwa kuwa na umbo hili huzuia damu kupita katika mishipa midogo ya damu.

47 120

☠️BLACK SAILS!!🏴 IShipAnArmada and talk about why they love the Starz historical pirate series Black Sails

Stream & download here:

4 12

PIRATELORE enthusiasts IShipAnArmada, interpret Sherlock characters by the lives they could have lived on the high seas during the Golden Age of Piracy.

Stream & download here:

1 12

¡Bichitos, bichitas preparen sus tostones que, hoy en la tienda dulce les vengo ofreciendo ¡Un mishipan, dulce y delicado como el verdadero amor! 🥜💙🌹

4 7

It's nice that brought back 10 Point English IPA for a bit. Not sure how long they'll have it around but it was a nice way to celebrate 10 years.

2 15

1/24 ミツビシ V43W パジェロ スーパーエクシード `91 (アオシマ)

7 22