IJN "Aikoku Maru"🇯🇵 1/200
Картонный Самурай/Cardboard Samurai

Meanwhile, after a break another Russian publisher showed a 3D model and a test assembly of the new model)

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Check out the new products we have in store and online now.
What is your favourite?

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Taking stock of the year as a modeller - I have completed 12 major projects (and a few other bits and bobs). Most importantly - a lot of new skills learnt or honed!

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We are pleased to inform you that Marek Zdziech won the Lesza bust in the Black Week competition. Congratulations to the winner 🙂

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1/24 ポルシェ 968 `たまごガールズ エイミー マクドネル`
好評ご予約受付中です!→ https://t.co/A2avA4W22M

3 9

1/12 カワサキ KR250 (KR250A) `ホワイト/レッドカラー`
好評ご予約受付中です!→ https://t.co/DIJcv9RCmF

3 9

Check out some stills and concept art from our “Flipland” spot!🏕⛵️🥣

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1/24 スズキジムニーJB23 (ランドベンチャー/ブルーイッシュブラックパール3)
入荷です!→ https://t.co/7UPgIJGqfN

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1/25 1962 シボレー コルベット 3in1 (AMT)
予約開始です!→ https://t.co/eonH67pGsq

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1/12 「逮捕しちゃうぞ」 小早川美幸 (警察制服)
好評ご予約受付中です!→ https://t.co/qF5tPOovSQ

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1/24 ポルシェ 968 `たまごガールズ エイミー マクドネル`
予約開始です!→ https://t.co/A2avA4W22M

6 9

1/24 HKS 関西 BNR32 スカイラインGT-R `90
好評ご予約受付中です!→ https://t.co/5viOtu5vVl

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