Piranha Class Patrol Boat Drone

An enlarged river patrol boat, it is perfect for defending littoral waters and rivers.


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I completed my first ever drawing for a "draw this in your style" challenge. This was hosted by rittorator on Instagram. Here's my drawing, then the original by rittorator.

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I love a good coastal scene! Here are a few of mine, 'Fourth Mark', 'Face of Ghan', 'Arbor', and 'Gates of Merala'. Feel free to share your littoral favorites (or your own work) in the comments!

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Louis Toffoli est un peintre et lithographe français né à Trieste (Littoral autrichien) 1907 - 1999.
Successivement austro-hongrois, puis italien et français, Toffoli se déclarait comme « de Trieste » et ne signait ses tableaux ni Luigi, ni Louis, mais seulement Toffoli.

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🎁 Pour le mois d'août, Les petits citoyens mettent à disposition gratuitement le livret "Et si on s’parlait de la protection du littoral", réalisé avec le .
Un numéro qui permet aux enfants de savoir ce qu’ils peuvent faire pour le protéger ! https://t.co/yIcaXEoTJ4

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Latest article:

Converting the Bay-class auxiliaries into littoral strike ships


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Island Fox

Romanised Name: Shimahaiirogitsune
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4-6 years
Japanese Name: シマハイイロギツネ
Scientific Name: Urocyon littoralis
Diet: Omnivore
Distribution: Channel Islands
Conservation Status: Near Threatened

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Island Fox

Diet: Omnivore
Distribution: Channel Islands
Japanese Name: シマハイイロギツネ
Scientific Name: Urocyon littoralis
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4-6 years
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Romanised Name: Shimahaiirogitsune

3 10

Je dirais ce dessin là.
Je l'ai utilisé pour illustrer la fiche RP de mon perso, Aliivi.
Pour le paysage sous-marin, je me suis inspiré de l'infralittoral rocheux de Roscoff.

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La Planète Shroum est la deuxième planète habitable du système Softenga en partant du Soleil. Elle dispose d'un climat très largement océanique, avec de vastes plaines et collines sur ses parties terrestres les moins littorales.

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just some squid littorally mating themselves to death nbd

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←パク ラレ→


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If I don't know the meaning of a word I look it up. Take - I had a vague idea of its meaning before but now I appreciate how I may use it in my WIP or other scribblings. Sometimes I find I can't work with the if that happens I put my ego away and meditate - lol!

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I'm lost
My wild child
Has found me
Under the fallen sun
Painted vivid colors
Of my kaleidoscope mind
Chasing feral winds
Along the edge
Of my littoral divide
Between real &imagined
Diving to the ocean
Of fictional worlds
Following the sinuous
Of creation

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When it was time for capricious skies to welcome our constellations, we'd stand at the littoral to watch the sea become Sun's womb again, our eyes ready to be ensnared by the stars' content twinkling on small ripples. 1

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littoral dragons
playing fast as her
pearl oyster can spin
seaweed tendrils dance
verdant ribbons of
magical sea rhythm
capricious mermaids
jealousy eschew
conch marmalade and
water their cactus to
to see it wither away

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Aliivi Fischeri, mon perso (une myrekar) pour le rp Horizon Seed.
Pour cette illustration, je me suis inspiré de l'infralittoral rocheux de Roscoff avec :
- Solea solea
- Laminaria hyperborea
- Laminaria digitata
- Chondrus cripsus
- Phymatolithon lenormandii

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🦋 Morphotaenaris schoenbergi littoralis 🦋
Taenaris schoenbergi es una especie de mariposa de la familia Nymphalidae. Es endémico de Nueva Guinea .

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Visite du LIENSs à La Rochelle, laboratoire qui étudie le littoral dans une démarche interdisciplinaire (depuis les geoscience jusqu’au droit) le littoral https://t.co/mfdAxOLQOH
Je remercie son directeur et l’ensemble du laboratoire.

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Proud to announce that I've worked on the zine, with help of many wonderful artists !
All benefits will go to https://t.co/GsomzPimeJ in order to clean the littorals !

➡️ https://t.co/WkMfPenx6u

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