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You play Okuninushi, the famed earth kami who pacified the Reed Plains before entrusting the heavenly king Ninigi with Japan's future. A weak but willful Amaterasu needs you to stop Susanoo's return to power—no easy task.

Like in the Kojiki, you start by visiting the underworld!

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مانجا Kojiki - Chuukara ستنتهي مع الفصول الثلاث القادم على مجلة Spirits الشهرية

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I'm enjoying drawing!!!
Uzume from the Japanese myth KOJIKI.

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our cc collection yokai kodama looks familiar? mentioned for the first time in the oldest japanese book, the kojiki, these nature spirits dwell in trees that become a hundred or more years old. and whoever tries to cut down these trees, gets cursed

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古事記kojiki のシリーズから



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Megurine Luka by Kojiki-Life.

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Los tres hijos de Izanagi, Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu (albina y morena ¿porque no?) y Susanoo

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Je suis trèèèès en retard dans mes dessins finit en retard, l'art fight étant finit pour moi je vais enfin pouvoir un peu souffler et poster !

Voici ma première commission de Stickers pour Kojiki !

J'espère qu'il vous plaira :)

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Entrainement sur dragon avec un headshot pour Kojiki sur discord ! :)

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i like both red Susano-o and black Susano-o tbh, the former works well as Susano-o as the archetypal dragonslayer and the latter as Susano-o in the Kojiki narrative where he prepares trials for Okuninushi

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[Free japanese Love novel game]

Aikami! - Kojiki (Aikami!-古事記)
By: TeamHiTom!
Language: Japanese
Website: https://t.co/piMnry9K8r
Twitter: https://t.co/Wi4q0gu9Nf

Andriod: https://t.co/otkZmVkLjy
iOS: coming soon

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Inktober 15: Legend. I base my ink painting off of the Kojiki, an ancient collection of Japanese legends. In it tells the story of the first emperor, Jinmu, who is guided by the Yatagarasu, a three-legged crow.

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🖌️#Concours International de
Ce concours ouvert à tous, vous propose d'explorer 2 sujets inspirants : le riche patrimoine de l'ile d'#Awaji et les histoires du Kojiki, Nihonshoki, ou Manyoshu
Toutes les infos pour participer (JP/ENG)👉https://t.co/XLk9cShSfr

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