me when i use the kominfo colour pallete because im pissed off

6 16

*pov you're digital artist living in Indonesia 🤦‍♀️

69 430

I rarely rant about problems in my country, but it's gone too far. My life depends on Paypal and they blocked it fr. The current solution to unbanned Paypal for just 5 days is so fucking dumb. So to support the movement, I made this...

250 913

Wow Kominfo...... you're so great at making stupid decision

108 592

Kami ini dulunya penyedia jasa illustrasi digital di sebuah platform luar negeri.
Namun seiring perkembangan zaman yang 'dibuat' semakin mundur, kami memutuskan untuk membuka kursus membuat api.

0 1

kira-kira seperti ini…

68 162

Erich vs Loran
"Mending Nyerang kominfo"

1 2

Life without Kominfo. Life with Kominfo.

1 3

It's fucking baffling and laughable how Illegal Pinjol, Gambling game is legal

0 0