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It's been *so* long since I watched this (like well over a decade) that I can't remember my take on it was at the time but whew god damn I'm pretty certain I'm reading it much differently now.

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A chaotic, half-episode long sequence of random flashbacks, overbearing digital effects, and peeks into previously unseen moments, overlaid with screeching discordant guitars, as a despondent Lain increasingly becomes one with the Wired.

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And then Lain totally doxxes the Knights

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If you're gonna dip into the occult then it's gotta involve the Knights Templar, I suppose

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Even this deep into the series Lain has uncovered a whole lot about what's going on but still can't possibly understand why she's at the center of it all.

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Oh yeah this is the episode that goes on long tangents about aliens and various conspiracy theories.

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Some shiiiiiit went down in this episode...

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Lain's voice has this distant, echo-y quality through the whole scene which contrasts so brutally against the clarity of Other Lain's mocking tone

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And to save her relationship with her only true friend, she walks right into their trap and interferes with the physical world directly...

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The Knights may have incited countless murders and suicides and committed numerous acts of cyber terrorism but trying to destroy Alice and Lain's friendship... well now it's war.

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And now someone's trying to ruin her relationship with her only friend. the only one who treats her normally...

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Oof, the vulnerability and fear in her voice, the sniffling back tears... and her "parents'" without a single word of comfort. Poor poor Lain.

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Lain having to visit some corners of the Wired she'd rather not in order to obtain information.

And oh my god the look of irritation on Lain's face is *outstanding*

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guess Lain's not into pvp (understandable given the circumstances...)

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