Fuck, what a show. Tears my goddamn heart out but I'm so glad I've rewatched it again after all these years. There's a reason it was my first ever purchase, and my first ever favorite anime.

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"Lain" is myriad, but it isn't complete. If it were, it wouldn't be trying to hard to win over Lain. To present her with the same temptations Eiri so tragically failed to resist.

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The philosophy of this episode is certainly interesting.

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I really don't recall the full extent to which Alice remembers Lain after the reset. It's not 0% though!

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It's easy to feel like a reset ending of cheap or even by this point pretty quaint, but it's all about whether it makes sense for the show and feel right. In Lain, it's terribly sad but it's still very right for the show.

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With the only thing she had left now broken, she's left with no other options.

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No matter how hard Lain tries to understand the world, to do the right thing, to never hurt anyone, selfish, arrogant men take everything away from her, time and again.

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Even knowing what a bittersweet scene this is, Lain completely demolishing Eiri's self-aggrandizing god complex is incredibly satisfying.

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There are limits to what Alice's sanity can take.

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If only I could wave a magic wand and stop time for them right now...

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Alice may not understand what's going on, but she does understand why Lain is wrong.

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And Lain seems to have fully accepted that she's no longer human.

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As I've said this show was the the first time I ever cared deeply about the relationship between two fictional characters. This moment only hits harder all these years later.

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Oof, there it is. Lain confronted with the reality that her attempts to fix everything fundamentally misunderstood what Alice wanted.

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As incredibly strange as the voice acting intentionally is in this show, Alice's clashing emotions of abject terror and desire to see Lain come through oh so well

And there's Lain, who was sleeping in a literal bed of cables.

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oh god I forgot Mika was still there, in this hellish derelict horror house

Poor Alice

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it's Instrumentality with more internet and less tang

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