Macro lens proving its worth for tiny dino bits. Some close-ups on the teeth of two Lesothosaurus specimens . These cute little gnashers would have been slicing up plants (and maybe small prey) some 200 million years ago in what’s now Lesotho

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The beautiful little heterodontosaurid Abrictosaurus from the Early Jurassic of Lesotho

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Lesotho ในแอฟริกาเป็นปท.ที่ทำเหมืองเพชรมาก แล้วดูสภาพคนที่นั่นว่ารวยไหม เจอเพชรมากแค่ไหนก็จนเหมือนเดิม 😢 💎

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Enjoy your work week!
"Swaziland / Lesotho: The Wonder of Art"

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": How bout Gambia? Monaco?" >

Both accessible from international waters. Unlike Lesotho

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Lesotho is one of the only 3 countries (Vatican, San Marino) in the world completely situated within another country.

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The lowest point of Lesotho is the highest [lowest point] of any nation on Planet Earth, 1,400 meters above sea level

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Lesotho、レソト王国でスタンプが使われてる‼アフリカ南部に位置する立憲君主制をとる国家で、イギリス連邦加盟国である…だって‼ワールドワイドだぜっ( *´艸`)

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