The mysterious portraits: faces from Egypt. "Egypt, the cradle of art"

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10x12 cm canvas: Mosebo Mosiuoa
Memory of Anti-Apartheid Revolutionary 2013

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“I dream my painting and I paint my dream” - Vincent van Gogh
"Kazakhstan: No Silk Way"

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Mother's Love
Canvas: Emad Shafik Tawfek Rezk, For my Mother, 2014, Egypt

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Enjoy your work week!
"Swaziland / Lesotho: The Wonder of Art"

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Hace a Nice Day Everyone!
Canvas: Jihyon Yang, Untitled 2013, South Korea

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Have a good day or night aroud the World!
10X12 cm canvas by Monty Singer

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Floating Spirit by Husmann/Tschaeni, 2014, front&back, Switzerland "Helvetia"

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Another New Day in New York.
for Imago Mundi Art.
Organix - United States

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