We're back with day 115 of with it being the MS-14Jg, Gelgoog Jager. No not that Jaeger. The bulky bro of the Gelgoog, without the long shoulders.


9 51

Well here we are again. Day... *checks calendar* 110 of Today is all about the RGM-79G, GM Command. A stonks GM to be sure, this unit is certainly more angular than its predecessor.

Any thoughts on this unit?

4 40

*drops from ceiling* Hello there. Today is day 106 of and also the last for CCA, and it's about theNZ-333 α Azieru, or the Alpha Azieru in laymens terms.

Any thought on this lad?

8 86

Issa day 93 of and it's regarding the GGF-001 Phoenix Gundam, a prototype transformable assault MS. From the G Generation series, this design is certainly a fan favorite.

Any thoughts?

20 131

For the final ZZ unit, or day 92 of we'll be having a look at the RMS-192M Zaku Mariner. I feel like I talked about this amphibious MS before even though I haven't. Weird.

Regardless, any thoughts?

7 68

What a weird thing this is. Tis day 89 of and we're looking at the MS-14J ReGelgu. An... interesting design, to say the least, this thing would excel at rugby.

Any thoughts on the unit?

8 67

Sup everyone. It's day 87 of The unit today is the MS-09G Dwadge. Despite what you may think, no this is not a sandy Dom.

Any thoughts on da Dwadge?

8 64

Today we shall have day 86, regarding the MS-06D Desert Zaku. Built for the sandy regions, this thing is pretty neato.

Any thoughts?

14 85

Sup. It's day 85 of and for today, we have a special double whammy, featuring the AMX-117R and the AMX-117L, the Gaz-R and Gaz-L, respectively.

Functionally identical, I reckoned that doing both at once would save us time. Any thoughts on these two?

8 63

Mornin everyone. It's day 83 of and its regarding the AMX-107 Bawoo. A pretty cool unit despite being from a rather goofy series, the Bawoo is certainly something.

Any thoughts on Baw00?

14 80

Sup everyone. It's day 78 of and we'll be looking at the AMX-015 Geymalk. A ZZ unit that has a bit too much firepower, this unit is a literal walking fortress.

Any thoughts on the Geymalk?

7 54

Took me awhile, but day 75 of is finally here. It's on the AMX-011 Zaku III, the third Zaku in the main bloodline. Yeah he isn't green, but at least he isn't white, blue and red. A white/blue/red Zaku... heh. As if...

Whadaya think of the Zaku III?T

15 74

For day 45 of we’ll be looking at the RGM-79SC, GM Sniper Custom. A military suit through and through, the GM SC is an awesome unit that sets the framework for future Sniper units.

Any thoughts on the GMSC?

8 38

A very late day 10! Today we shall speak of the YMS-15 Gyan, a Mobile Suit that looks as ridiculous as the Dom. Though it may look like it has its head shoved into a base, the Gyan is a Knight looking unit that packs a punch!

Any thoughts on Vase Head?

5 30