Uuuuuh can I get a day 170 of with the order being a ZM-S20S Jabaco?

Look at this lad.


4 25

At least it hasn't been a month. Welcome to day 169 of which is on the ZM-S19S, Shy-Tarn.


11 81

Back on it with day 155 of and it's on the other other variant of the V2, the LM314V24, Victory 2 Assault Gundam.

Look at them shoulders.


3 18

I hope you're ready for some V2 variants cos its day 154 of and we'll be talking about the LM314V23 Victory 2 Buster Gundam, or the V2 Buster for the sake of word count.


8 76

Alright let's keep this going.

Welcome to day 150 of where we will be covering the LM312V04+SD-VB03A, Victory Dash Gundam.

Due to the nature of this unit and how its a Victory with added parts, I will only cover the new stuff.


11 64

If someone says they're surprised, I give up on life.

It's day 149 of and regardless of my fatigue, we will be talking about the LM111E02, Gun-EZ, or the GEZ for short for the rest of this LTG.

Am I posting this because of a mix up on the last LTG?


7 32

Don't call it a comeback.

Aphem, wassup everyone. After my long hiatus from doing this, welcome to day 148 of where we will be looking at the LM111E03, Gunblaster, a mass produced unit from Victory Gundam!


25 162

Yeah I'm still being consistent for once. It's day 145 of and it's on the YMS-09R-2 Prototype, Rick-Dom Zwei, which will be called the Zwei for word-count sake.


2 35

Sup. Did ya'll forget that I did this? Good, cos so did I!

Regardless, it's a very late day 142 of and we'll be looking at the AGX-04, Gerbera Tetra.

The only thing I know about this is that an old friend of mine hates it lmao.


18 188

Oh god it's been a long while. Welcome, though, to day 121 of featuring the F-50D Guntank R-44, the logical endpoint for the GankTank.


13 90

We're back with day 115 of with it being the MS-14Jg, Gelgoog Jager. No not that Jaeger. The bulky bro of the Gelgoog, without the long shoulders.


9 51

For the final ZZ unit, or day 92 of we'll be having a look at the RMS-192M Zaku Mariner. I feel like I talked about this amphibious MS before even though I haven't. Weird.

Regardless, any thoughts?

7 68

Sup. It's day 85 of and for today, we have a special double whammy, featuring the AMX-117R and the AMX-117L, the Gaz-R and Gaz-L, respectively.

Functionally identical, I reckoned that doing both at once would save us time. Any thoughts on these two?

8 63

Mornin everyone. It's day 83 of and its regarding the AMX-107 Bawoo. A pretty cool unit despite being from a rather goofy series, the Bawoo is certainly something.

Any thoughts on Baw00?

14 80

For day 45 of we’ll be looking at the RGM-79SC, GM Sniper Custom. A military suit through and through, the GM SC is an awesome unit that sets the framework for future Sniper units.

Any thoughts on the GMSC?

8 38