Wackkyy dddrraawing beecause iloveherr

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♣ Queen of Clubs ♣


50 433

midnight. busy day!!!! but art cannot wait

163 856


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I don't care what anyone else thinks, I love Mama Jello 😭😭

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“ With the soft touch of intuition, I will tune my soul radio & rid my mind of static restlessness, that I may hear Thy voice of cosmic vibration, the music of atoms, & the melody of love vibrating in my superconsciousness “ Yogananda .
art by

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There is an Eternal Sun, which is the source of all wisdom, and those whose spiritual senses have awakened to life will see that sun and be conscious of God’s existence
- Paracelsus .
art by .

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“ Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there “
- Rumi .
art by .degaia .

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Heyyyy I wanted to show you my new babe, Shade~ <3 Original design made by and little modifications by me~ Ilovehersomuch she's and american akita!

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Hard the path to love.
Dangerous may say.
But blinded is easier to reach.
And if we fall we'll do it together.
To feel the same pain.
When we want we can't.
And when we can we won't.
Αν + θα = Να
Σε Αγαπάω και Σε Λατρεύω
4vr 😔😮‍💨🙏🙇🖤🌹

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Still kinda obsessed with right now. Here's the cutie wit the bootie herself, Ms Roxanne Ritchi! 💘

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Our gorgeous Grinny Kitty sporting the Demisexual, non-binary and Polyamorous flags!! 💙 Grinny Kitty is part of our $5 tier on patron, which includes access to our discord and song downloads! 🎉come check it out! Link is on our YouTube!

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Мой темный эльф, который любит дружить с тифлингами

Имя: Мили
Мировоззрение: хаотично добрый
Раса: Эльф
Класс: Маг

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