"For this White Day, I got you something special," Lucky holds your gift up, blushing, "I hope that, I can make you just as happy as you made me, on V-Day." -Lucky Rebel

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Can you believe that, someone rejected a custom made Valentine's Day playlist, from Lucky Rebel?! She's been listening to the music & crying. "A bittersweet gift, to myself, I guess..." she sighed.

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"It's February!" Cheered Lucky. "I want to celebrate, our love, every day, of this month; Valentine's month!"

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"Do I turn you on?" She asked teasingly. (It would seem that, Lucky is feeling quite... comfortable. *my heart starts racing*💓😳💓)

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"Close your eyes, open your mouth, & trust me," whispered Lucky, seductively. (Lucky Rebel, has kept her original eyes, but has gained a Western mouth; she is Irish-American, afterall.)

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"Omg! I finally found some wildlife, on my safari trip! Meerkats are too freaking cute!" Exclaimed an excited Lucky.

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