"You're the one been chosen. Play the part like Moses. Keep it fresh like roses!" Lucky Rebel, has gotten a make-over!

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"The Autumn Goddess♪" Lucky, is my Fall themed entry! If you see her, we'd appreciate any likes/votes. Thank you, so much, & good luck!

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Caught Lucky, taking a very relaxing bath, while enjoying a frozen treat. Her house cats, observe her, in curiosity.

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Lucky Rebel, decided to take an impromptu drive, along the coast, in her new sports car.

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As my alter-ego, Lucky, is very confident, outgoing, & very comfortable with her body. One day, I'll be fit enough, to learn how to pole dance! Lol!

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Lucky, is really enjoying the Summer, at a tropical vacation. "Come on in! The water feels so good!" She said smiling warmly.

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🐬Orca-Lucky🍀, is hanging out with some new ocean friends! I love her short hair; it looks good under water.

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"Whaaa! Watch out!" Lucky, called out, as she accidentally directs the beach volleyball towards you.

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It's a warm Summer's day & Lucky, is feeling the heat! She grabs a Popsicle & laid on the floor. "Mmm... So cool, so tasty," she licked her frozen treat, feeling like she's beating the heat.

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The perfect outfit, has finally been attained, for my alter-ego; 🍀Lucky Rebel❤!

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"Hello, I'm Miss Rebel! Welcome to s3x education. Today, we'll be going over the topic of "pheromones; attraction 101."

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On quiet city nights, Lucky Rebel, likes to go to her special hangout spot. She also appreciates the art of graffiti. She licked her lollipop & let her mind wander.

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Lythena, in a cute spring outfit. Lucky, is learning the acoustic guitar. Six, is dreaming she's astronaut. All recs by, Molls🌈 (ID: M1V3N3)

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"Before the Internet & social media, it actually took technique & skill, to become a professional photographer." Lucky, went to

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"Hey, if we're going to continue to ride our bikes, together, we must remember to stay hydrated. Here, this one, is nice & cold!" Lucky grinned, holding out the water bottle.

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Lucky, decided she wanted to go on an adventure. She's found herself in a mysterious & mystical crystal cave. "Wow! I wonder what I'll discover, here!"

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🍀Lucky Rebel, has recently gotten me addicted af, to coffee! So much so that, I get headaches, if I don't have a cup, after the caffeine wears off.

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"It took me a while to set this all up, but I hope you like it. I even made you this. Would you like a bite?" Asked Lucky as she feeds you. "HAPPY WHITE DAY!"

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Lucky Rebel, is looking very striking, in such elegant attire! Is it hot in here, or is it just me? Few! *fans myself* 🥵💨💕

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"For this White Day, I got you something special," Lucky holds your gift up, blushing, "I hope that, I can make you just as happy as you made me, on V-Day." -Lucky Rebel

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