Finally sharing the queen of our hearts with all of you guys! One of our fave compendium cards from last year!

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More Kickstarter swag? More Kickstarter swag! The stickers are done and off to the printer and they'll be here soooooon~

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Now that the charms have been formatted and sent off to our printer, it's finally time to unveil the last piece of our incoming MBB charm set! is... Basil AND Aaron sharing a magical moment together~*~

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She's beauty, she's grace, she'll put tangles in their place! Sanjeet has joined the rest of the charm crew and we think she turned out magical~*~

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Our knight in shining armor is finally here to sweep you (and Basil) off your feet and slay those wild tangles! Aaron's done and ready to go~!

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What happens when you mix Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and MBB? Noah in his Magician regalia~ We showed you up to the flat colors for Noah's charm before and now he's finally done! Only a few more to go!~*~

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Ta~da~! The Magical Boy of the hour is finally done~*~! Finished Basil's charm today and we can't handle how keyboard smashing adorable he is <3

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It's almost like August has become Month of the Riley! Figured we'd start showing off some finished charms because these little guys are about to go off to the printers soon! We can't wait!

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Eight down, one more to go! And what better way to herald in the finale than the main character himself, Basil! Next step: Shading!

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Basil is a high-strung but well-meaning kid who knows how important it is never to judge a book by its cover. Determined to do what's right and supported by his new best friend Eli, Basil just might be able to do anything. He IS our hero, after all!

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At first glance, Noah seems friendly and thoughtful, the kind of guy who doesn't seem to take anything too seriously. But even when he's going head to head with is former best friend, Aaron, there's always a twinkle in his eye. Just what is he up to?

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This week's Early Access is ready for YOU. Join us on Patreon to read the comic ahead of everyone else!

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