Maya Murica

On this day back in 2003, U.S. forces catured Saddam Hussein hiding under a farmhouse in Adwar, Iraq, officially ending the War on Terrorism sorta.

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The Price is Maya

Bob Barker just turned 95! The guy hosted CBS's 'The Price Is Right' for 35 years AND 'Truth or Consequences' for 18 years before that. Imagine dinner at his place.

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Moana Maya

Maya's first favourite Disney movie. It's cute, inspiring and fairly terrifying.


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Maya the Martian

On this day, back in 2006, NASA revealed photographs taken by their Mars Global Surveyor that suggested the presence of liquid water on Mars.

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Maya Ninja
International Ninja Day is observed annually on December 5. All other news about this holiday is forbidden.

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Paging Dr. Maya
She's smart, she's talented, she's dangerously overworked. Meet Dr. Maya, a character inspired by our dear friend who is a smart, talented, overworked Doctor herself.

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Maya Spears.
Today turns 27 but what's really neat is was realeased 20 years ago! Yup... 1998. Time flies.

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Holy smokes it's National Square Dancing day already. Man how time flies. I hope your November 29th was as good as last years. Yehaaw.

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It's Maya Nye, the Science... Girl. Is it just me or does seem angrier than he used to be. Anyways... happy birthday Bill Nye.

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It's Cyber Monday! If I had something to sell, boy, I tell ya, I'd be posting all about it.

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Check out Mayangelo in this new art style I'm trying out. Way more work for a slightly better result. I'll post time lapse videos on Facebook and Instagram. Cowabunga!


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On November 24, 1859, Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species". This day is now recognized as "Evolution Day"... which explains why atheist children open Santa's presents a month earlier.

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