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Still wondering how to support our 📢 campaign? Check out this summary and make sure to share it with friends. You can find even more content just by searching on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter! ✊

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The Mayflowersの


『Everyday Christmas』
~Acoustic Demo~



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We’d like to know how you plan to support You can start by sharing our 📢 campaign and related posts ➡️Just search on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for content and make sure to share with your friends! ✊

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was struggling with this portrait so threw in some flowers when I saw and it came around!

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Drew up my yuan-ti scoundrels Nero and Larue for 🌸 Pink and green are a good match, no?

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It won’t be long before Ruby-throated hummingbirds are visiting our backyard blooms. Watercolor by Joseph Grice, local artist and friend.

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A drawing I did based on the concept of April Showers bring . This was done around 2 yrs ago and I still really like it

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April Showers have brought May Flowers! loves all kinds of Let us know your favorite!

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Season Second step’3

前売3000円 当日3500円(1drink別)
OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30

Rama Amoeba(東京)
The Mayflowers(京都)


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I've really adored getting to see everyone else's characters, as well. Hopefully we'll do this again, next year! 🌷🌼🌻

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A HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed to this past month, and thanks again to for helping me host! 💖

Here are the characters I drew up, it was a nice, peaceful way to spend some down time this month:

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Catching up for
This is Commander Felicia. Tagged by ^^

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I wasn't about to leave my drunken pirate monk baby in a corner for come hell or high water!!! 🖤☠️🖤

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I hope, I'm not late for Why I always find out about those things so late? =(
Anyway! Here's Ignis, lilies and art nouveau vibes for you. =)

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My May Flowers event is still on! Feel free to message me if interested or if you have questions! 😎🌻🌹🌷🌼🌺💐

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