Final line up of by . Cherries added today and still mintable for a few more hours if you grab an OE and burn it. My fav is the storm cloud as this fullmoon got me feeling a tad just like that....... 😆😵‍💫

1 12

"A different perspective" 2015 (left), details (right)
Oil on canvas - 50x50 cm

5 27

Remember Arcadic Bliss by minting TONIGHT!🥳

⏰: 7pm UTC
📍: launchpad
🏷️: 6K stars
10 mintable + 1 auction piece (Auction open for 24h!)

Keep an eye on our Discord and Twitter for a link👀

Look at this detail of the auction piece😍

5 10

Check out my store Gasless store on Mintable!

2 4

Had to add some clean Gold to my collection
is heating up☄️

✅February 1st - Launch of the staking point system with a leveling system / public leaderboard.
- First Phygital drop + Trait marketplace.
- Particularly hyped on this: Mintable Figurines


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