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Namor makes his move on Sue. Johnny flames out. Mole Man machinations and more! In Fantastic Four 1234 #3 from Grant Morrison, Jae Lee, José Villarrubia, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Wes Abbott. #MorrisonAtMarvel
Fantastic Four 1 2 3 4 #2: As if last issue wasn’t good-looking, this one somehow gets even moodier, splitting scenes between a hovering wine glass at an invisible dinner, a medical ward, and human torch lighting the night. #MorrisonatMarvel
Something is wrong with the world. Something is wrong with the Fantastic Four. Ben's cranky. Reed's hiding. Doom is planning...something. In Fantastic Four: 1234 from Grant Morrison, Jae Lee, José Villarrubia, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Wes Abbott.
New X-Men #125: More of the battles from last issue. This arc has been really well-paced, leading up to the next chapter, where a whole bunch is coming to a head. #MorrisonatMarvel
New X-Men #124: One of those superhero comic books where a lot of people get punched…and then some more people get punched. There’s a little more to it than that, with the truth about Nova and the virus coming to light amid the punching. #MorrisonatMarvel
New X-Men #122: this issue feels a little bit like a reaction to the nuff said issue, in that with the exception of the space stuff, it’s almost entirely talking heads. Still looks good because Quitely art. #MorrisonatMarvel
New X-Men #120: in which Scott and Emma escape from being vivisected while Jean regains some major power and projects the mansion/school. Still miss Quitely obviously, but Kordey’s horror-tinged cartooning is no slouch. #MorrisonatMarvel
New X-Men #119: This is a solid issue, though I still miss the Quitely art. This book really leans into the horror elements of what the team are facing, in three separate locales. #MorrisonatMarvel
missed posting this last night … New X-Men 2001 Annual: Feels like a lot has to happen in this annual, specifically the establishing of Xorn’s backstory and connecting him with the team. Also, the Scott-Jean-Emma drama continues. #MorrisonatMarvel
New X-Men #116: Great end to the arc. It also turns out I don’t remember much of the individual beats of these comics. I didn’t even remember this was the run where Xavier unveiled that to the world. Almost like I’ve lived 20 years since I read this run. #MorrisonatMarvel
New X-Men #115: The ending of this comic felt like a whole big thing at the time, leaving me just dying for the next one. Feels sort of quaint now, given where things have gone. Great issue though, and I’m amazed all over again at how good these books looked. #MorrisonatMarvel
Marvel Boy #6: And a really entertaining comic comes to an end. The ending leaves us on a bit of a cliffhanger for a sequel series that never took place…but hey, it functions real well on its own as is. Just an outstanding bit of comics from all involved. #MorrisonatMarvel
Marvel Boy #5: I read these comics years ago, but didn’t pickup on the uh love story, being a kid and just wanting to see space battles and giant explosions at the time. Definitely interesting to revisit. #MorrisonatMarvel.
Marvel Boy #2: Marvel Boy is the exact kind of out-there, absurdist (but not too absurdist) sci-fi I like, especially filtered through Morrison’s interests. Also, the artwork in this book is as top-tier as it gets. #MorrisonatMarvel
Skrull Kill Krew #4: The Krew murders more Skrulls, this time Skrulls who are now looking like the Fantastic Four and also able to mimic their powers…and then they stumble on a village of Skrulls. This is a less-heralded Morrison work, and I get it. #MorrisonatMarvel
Skrull Kill Krew #3: the politics in this comic feel way too dumb (intentionally?) to be getting at anything, but one thing is made clear: Strucker is a Nazi fascist, that is bad, Captain American can/does trounce him. So yeah. #MorrisonatMarvel
and we’re back…Skrull Kill Krew #1: This was a pretty fun comic I only read in the name of completionsim for this Morrison project. It’s as simple a concept as the title implies, and worth a read if you can get past some of the very dated content. #MorrisonatMarvel