New X-Men It’s here, the end of this thing. I think pointed this out in one of his earlier updates, but this arc feels like Morrison finally writing the book they wanted to write all along. Some of the run’s most Morrisonian moments and ideas.

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New X-Men Morrison and co. jump ahead here 150 years to start the coda for this run. I remember these issues feeling like a bonus run at the time, and it still reads that way a bit now. I also don’t remember them as well so this will be a fun revisit.

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New X-Men we get the climax of this arc, with the team (inevitably) reuniting to put down Magneto once again. It’s something we’ve seen plenty of times but still feels satisfying. The flash forward at the end still feels like an audacious way to end.

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The end to the present day story comes as Magneto gets his ass kicked. In New X-Men from Grant Morrison, Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, Simon Coleby, Chris Chuckry, and Chris Eliopoulos.

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New X-Men Logan and Jean get sweaty in space, Magneto continues to be bad at being bad (more or less), and the students miss their old teacher, friendly Mr. Xorn.

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New X-Men the magneto was right issue…as sinister and furious as magneto is here, this issue is also sort of played for laughs, with magneto’s grand speech to the assembled crowd foiled because he’s too high up. Ha.

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New X-Men this is the issue with the big xorn reveal so i guess if you haven’t read this 18-year-old comic yet — surprise! pacing here is superb, though

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Wolverine finds out his Origin. Weapon Plus is nefarious. Things go BOOM! And more pieces fall into place. In New X-Men by Grant Morrison, Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Al Vey, Aaron Sowd, Chris Chuckry, and Rus Wooton.

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New X-Men I’m really enjoying this arc, which is probably my favorite since the very first arc of the run. There’s a simplicity to it — Cyclops, Logan, and Fantomex battle Weapon XV — but atop that foundation every idea is rich and complex.

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New X-Men the artist here is chris bachalo, who drew so many x-men (and generation x) comics when i was a kid that i will always associate him and his work with these characters. this is a bottle issue in the hellfire club that goes into cyclop’s emotions.

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One mystery is solved (kind of), but more questions arise. Emma gets put back together again. And a monster mutant army is born. In New X-Men from Grant Morrison, Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, Chris Chuckry, and Chris Eliopoulos.

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New X-Men we get a police procedural here around the mystery of who killed Emma Frost. I like one-off story arcs as a way to see more of the X-Men cast, probably because I watched X-Men: The Animated Series growing up.

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New X-Men A bit of aftermath following Riot at Xavier’s in this issue, with Quinten Quire ascending to somewhere, the Cuckoos flying away, Xavier stepping down, and Scott and Emma’s telepathic fling coming to Jean’s attention. Drama.

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New X-Men Riot at Xavier’s plays out the way you thought it might, disastrous for the new younger characters, who are ultimately squashed by the more familiar older characters.

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Quentin Quire reveals with his riot that he's a petty paper tiger playing at games well past his purview. In Nex X-Men by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Avalon Studios, Chris Chuckry, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Jimmy Betancour.

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New X-Men bit of course correction after last issue, which is probably the low point of the entire run. Also, between Quinten Quire and Jack Frost, seems Morrison maybe has some issues with teachers, or they at least think about how cool that would be…

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New X-Men What’s funny is I read this at whatever age and originally missed the twist. I forget how I learned about that. Anyway, thought Fantomex was actually a fancy European mutant jewel thief for a pretty long time.

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New X-Men the art here by John Paul Leon and bill sienkiewicz is beautiful and the plot is simple yet emotionally resonate. Great issue. High point of this run.

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New X-Men it's the Xorn issue, from Grant Morrison, John Paul Leon, Bill Sienkiewicz, Hi-Fi Design, and Comicraft.

Insight into the way of the man with a star for a brain, dealing with monsters and mayhem in Mutant Town.

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"Nick's World..." in Marvel Knights Double Shot from Grant Morrison, Manuel Gutierrez, Avalon's Jeromy Cox, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Wes Abbott delivers a short tale taking the piss out of an undercover agent trying to impersonate Fury.

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