Le illustrazioni di Salvador Dalì per Alice in Wonderland..#buonaserata twitterucci😄..

15 23

Renganeschi's Saturday Night
John French Sloan, 1912

274 29

Tomb of the Diver, c. 475 BC
Paestum, Italy
One of a few Greek wall paintings that survived

438 124

Narciso e Eco

Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665)

Placido Costanzi (1702-1759)

30 37

San Giorgio e il Drago

Raffaello, 1505 - 1506

Peter Paul Rubens, 1606-1610

24 22

Surprises the Sleeping Cupid, 1769
Louis Jean Francois Lagrenee

320 158

Venere e Marte
BOTTICELLI 1482-83c.

P. BORDON 1560

20 25

Hercules and Antaeus
Andrea Mantegna, 1495

Hans Baldung, 1530

195 92

Triumph of Bacchus
Dosso Dossi, 1514

Diego Velazquez, 1628

241 69

Wishing You a Happy

Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 1547
Paolo Veronese

254 129

No man or woman born,coward or brave,can shun his destiny By Bouguereau :Homer and his Guide

17 23

"Ho voluto legare le linee fuggenti della natura."
Paul - Le Lac D'Annecy - 1896

4 7

Ricca affascinante misteriosa marchesa Casati by Boldini

5 3

Calde tempeste
Trasportate dal vento
Solo tu plachi.

14 19

Rodin,Il pensatore..intelletto e poesia..#arte

16 33

sometimes lady inspiration rescues you from mess

3 5