Day 23: Spring

"You'll be the perfect springtime critter," they said. Hmph.

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Day 22: Timid

Me when I have to talk to anybody, even friends.

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Day 21: Wet

Posting this early because it's also

Treezel going down a waterslide, paws first! Certainly his favorite way to go.

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Day 20: Flexible

Ferret getting ready for a run! Proper stretching is important, even for slinkies.

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Day 19: Fangs

A wolverine showing off his chompers! But he's a friendly one.

Wanted to do some practice with wolverine faces. they're like, 75% jaw and can have some cool markings.

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Day 18: Tree

Treezel planting something for future generations of martens to enjoy!

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Day 17: Steal


I will steal all your cookies, I swear.

Something real quick, since I spent most of my drawing time the other day finishing that fishing pic. XD

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Day 15: Squeak

A marten getting squeaky clean...and squeaking out those high notes!

I enjoy my showers 1000% more when I have music to sing along with.

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Day 14: Treasure

Everyone deserves a big box of shinies, honestly.

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Day 13: Chase

Someone's about to nab Treezel! Maybe he'll manage to run fast enough to get away.

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Day 12: Liquid

Ferrets are shaped to fit the container that they are in. Colored sketch today!

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Day 11: Ears

Did some studies last night on various mustelid ears, threw up some colors on two, to illustrate the difference between black-footed ferret ears (on the left) and regular ferrets (on the right). I love how pointy the black-footed ferret ears are!

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Day 9: River

Time to cool off! Treezel's going for a ride on the rope swing.

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Day 8: Small

Today I went for a least weasel. They're tiny and cute and kind of vicious!

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Day 7: Mystify

Today we have a tayra getting hypnotized.
Tayras are neat little things, almost like shorthair martens. I wanna practice them some more!

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Day 5: Prowl

A thieving marten that I drew for last year's Mustelid May. Hold on to your coin pouches!

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Day 2: Burrow

Trying to nail down those profile shots. Prompt months are great for identifying the things I need to work on! Also a day late for reasons.

This wolverine seems surprised to find a marten burrowing up from beneath the covers.

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Mark your calendars, May 30th is World Otter Day, conveniently occurring during (by )

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