Trade for mustelidmayhem

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Day 31: Egg

Martens clearly came to Earth in ships like Mork from Mork and Mindy.

That's the last pic for the May prompts. Thank you to for posting them, much appreciated.

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Day 29: Nose


Some colored sketch practice.

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Day 26: Cache

"Oh, this WAS your treasure, but not anymore." Rogue Treezel back to steal your shit.

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Day 24: Quiet

The easiest way to keep me quiet is to get me a good book. I will shut up for a whole day.

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Day 23: Amusing

A ferret takes pleasure in his player's natural 1. Remember, if your DM gets so excited that he starts wardancing, pack up your stuff and leave the table.

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2021, Day 18: Bath

A Japanese marten bathes himself, probably before hopping into an onsen! Gotta work on their fur patterns, they have such striking looks.

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2021, Day 17: Protect

A beech marten with some sort of shielding powers blocks an explosion! I wanted to do something superheroic.

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2021, Day 16: Nibble

A ferret puts the final touches on his latest kitchen experiment!

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221, Day 12: Fuzzy

He'll show you his fuzzy tummy! He'll even let you rub it if you ask nice...

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2021, Day 9: Content

Contentment is a cozy hoodie when it's cool out!

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2021, Day 4: Scurry

Urban martens have to settle for parkour instead of tree climbing, sadly.

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2021, Day 3: Winter

I'm going to level with you, this one was hard to get motivated for because I mostly would like to forget this last winter. But here's an ermine warming up with a hot drink!

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2021, Day 1: Valiant

I end up drawing my marten as a fantasy rogue about once a year, and I love doing it. Here he is facing off with some enemies!

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Day 31: Egg

Treezel balancing one on his nose!

This was fun to do, just because I'm not used to the chin-lifted angle. A challenge for me, and I'll try to do this angle again sometime.

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Buoy, the aquaphobic otter, by (it's the last day of

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Day 30: Multitudes

Multiple attitudes = multi 'tudes? 😄

I had to consider what I could realistically do in an evening. Playing with head construction a little. We have: marten, stoat, wolverine, black-footed ferret, and a regular ferret.

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Day 27: Stripes

I almost made it the whoooole month before I started forgetting to post things on the right date. I guess I get another chance to do so during Toon June. XD

Stripey boy in a stripey shirt.

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Day 25: Curious

I've been grateful for tablet computers ever since my first. I'm happiest when I'm constantly reading and learning, and tablets let me satisfy my own curiosity with study anywhere I go.

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