# ffxiv

Name: Nova Faefox
World: Omega EU

I would like the Gaelicap \o/

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Sure, why not. It's worth a shot, and I have an excuse to share what I'm Fantasia'ing into for ShB!

Name: Saiph Ravenhardt
World: Famfrit

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Name: Senua Faoll
World: Excalibur

"Surrounded by darkness yet enfolded in light"

All Hail my Warrior of Darkness! I cannot wait to become what I've always wanted to be. Thank you Final Fantasy XIV!
Bluebird Earring

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Name: Ascia Spada
World: Louisoix
Item: Ahriman Choker

Nature is a cruel force (?)

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Name: Esmeraude Diamandis
World: Cactuar
Prize: Bluebird Earring

"The flame of light still burns in the darkness"

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Name: R'Gwion Synxirazu
Server: Ragnarok

I would like a Gaelicap!

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