# ffxiv

Name: Lucis Ammanier
World: Masamune
Noble Barding

Thy Darkness shadow cast'd by the Light. But wh're doth Light cometh?

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Name: Tessariel Aerlinn
World: Balmung
Mandragora Choker

Giving the Viera creation a go. Here's what I'd go with!

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Name: Amy Night
World: Sargatanas

🎁 Bluebird Earring
Please ignore the scores. I'm a ps4 player for a reason lol. I can't wait to see my viera run through all the msq. <3

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Name: Alessa Vanastrea
Stammwelt: Shiva

"Krieger des Lichts?! *Pah* Die Zeiten sind vorbei ..." (3. Bild)
Ahriman-Halsberge würde meiner Viera sicherlich stehen 😱💀

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Name: Iota Leporis
World: Cerberus
Bluebird Earring, please~!

I save my fantasia for this moment. Change the name of character. Watched each trailer at least a twenty times (ง ื▿ ื)ว
I am ready to become a warrior of darkness! ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )

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Name: Kohete Naos
World: Excaliber

Preferred prize: Noble Barding
I finally get to be the Viera I've always wanted to be!

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Name: Albireo Camillesir
World: Balmung
Prize: Noble Barding

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Name: Peregrine Alucard
World: Exodus
Prize: Mandragora Choker

Very excited to be a tall bun!

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Name: Gareki Yukimura
World: Balmung
Prize: Noble Barding

"She's working it like the rent is due tomorrow."

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Name: Travie Ultra
World: Cactuar
Prize: Scarf of Wondrous Wit

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Name: Lulu Lyrae
World: Jenova
Item: Gaelicap

I really love this grey bun ;w;

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Name: Anime Dad
World: Leviathan

Prize: Gaelicap

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Name: Brioche Bun
World: Cactuar

i love viera sooo much already!!!
Prize: Mandragora Choker

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Name: Kaiden Lune
World: Odin

Might turn my Miqo'te boi into her. MIGHT xD
Thank you FFXIV for the fun contest! <3
(Mandragora Choker)

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Name: Cute Boy
World: Sargatanas

🎁 Bluebird Earring

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Name: Yanamari Ylva
World: Zodiark
I'd appreciate the Gaelicap (:

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Name: Haruka Ti
World: Ragnarok

Looking forward to Shadowbringers ♡

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in-game character; Leafy Aria
World: Famfrit (Primal server)

Reward: Bluebird Earring
Comment: Big Hype for when the expansion comes out! I can't wait to see everyone elses Viera's when I'm running dungeons!

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