Never mind "gather ye roses," this is POST ye roses while it's still June!

poster from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Been chewing away at the and author stuff all day...and it's time to dive into that great new library book!

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Taking a page from the Queen of the Butterflies here and crashing ahead of a busy weekend at ! See you bright and waaaaay too early!

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Actually, it's the Imp tucking ME in tonight! Time to get some sleep ahead of a busy Saturday morning at !

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This fella is breaking out the straw hat for a summery Sharp-Dressed Saturday Night!

sketch by Richard Rychtarik from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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We're running out of May...and it looks like this dude is just plain out of luck!

calendar from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Trust Kate Greenaway to make hauling kids around in the rain look lovely. She can take the school run!

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She's the Angel in the House...and probably the reason Lizzie Borden walked. In this week's post on a look at Victorian women who kill:

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One of those finds that's just too gorgeous not to share!

botanical drawing from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Welcome to the Not sure where the last couple of weeks went...but here we are!

calendar from the NYP: Digital Collections.

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No, we're not quite there yet, but the sun is shining and I didn't have to shovel or scrape anything today -- so I'll take it!

print from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Welcome to
And yep, another one of those days where it feels like the lion is dragging me along!

poster from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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One of my all-time favorite posters. It reminds me of the Professor and the Queen of Cats!

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Ready for the Big Show!
Reading in tonight's Open Mic Night -- and can't wait to hear what the sibs are bringing!

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Send us your best nonstalgic fiction! Any genre is welcome. We want your fiction inspired by a kernel of real life. Visit to submit by July 1.

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