イスラエル ネタニヤフ首相 歴代最長タカ派。ただいま絶賛戦争中ちう。#Netanyah    イスラエルのワクチン接種は世界に先駆けて迅速でしたが早いのは訳がある。早く打たないとコロナ騒動の隙にハマスから攻撃されちゃうからなのだ。ミャンマー然り。日本は平和だ。

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Not even a campaign in which showcased Israel’s world-beating COVID-19 vaccination rollout could break through two years of political deadlock underscored by four elections.

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It’ll not be a shocker to see Bepe lose election.
Why? Not just for his scandal, but because every leader’s bet, doomed to fail.

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The Netanyahu government has advanced plans for 4,948 new settlement units in the West Bank, signalling an end to the pretense that Israel has halted its annexation plans in exchange for normalization with Arab countries. https://t.co/LMbBfBlXqq

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We need Netanyahu on Anne Frank next to T

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Steve Bell celebrated cartoonist at the Guardian wonders why Tom Watson and Benjamin Netanyahu's sensibilities must be spared (editorial red lines not to be crossed) but not those of the leader of the opposition

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