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my wife, my religion , my everything

2 309

It's !
Hello world, join my pizza religion

212 1216

(愛) is universal and can be used for romance, religion, nationalism to family, right? ☠️

also 兄と弟の愛 is just sibling familial love, rightttt?


0 3

Those toe beans visible in the underside are my religion

0 18

The religion me, myself, and I built from the ground up. I can't thank my king, my fellow stargazers, and my art enjoyers for letting me indulge in this. I hope I am still allowed to proceed indulging next year. 🥺🙏


17 264


62 218


京都もやっとほんの少しだけ気温が和らいで来ました。水分とって、お気をつけてお越し下さい💦 https://t.co/2qWw6voo3F

38 70

anyone interested in a new religion?

6 122

Im starting a new religion.

39 473

It just came to my attention, Alhaitham and Kaveh are both the number 6 5*/4* introduced of the Sumeru region cast as playable characters

6 is the card of the Lover (Tarot), it also represents imperfection (in some religion) and yet mathematical perfection

195 1392

A DALL-E impressionist oil painting of Pashupatinath Temple in a world heritage sight in a city seemingly filled with them.
I was there, in Dec 2019, right before started!

9 42

Growing up with multiple blends of religions and races, I found these AI Arts to be liberating.

1 1

cat lumine may become my religion at this point

3 8

Bon dia
No. 3d, The Christian Religion, 1920
Hilma af Klint

30 191

Gotta love when someone can't win a conversation in how Christianity has been used in the past to spread hate and destroy, they basically call you racist against a bloody religion that any skin tone can join... you are supposed to touch the grass not paint yourself in its blood

0 2