zmissGirls 1/1 original (#photo /#GIF ) PL see my on👉👈 in You'll surprised with My girls hairstyles... Don't lose this collection... colorful (zmissGirls in different colors, 🖤💚💙💜♥️💛)👋

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Ar gael wythnos nesaf!

Nofel newydd i'r arddegau cynnar (12-15 oed).

Nofel ddirgelwch cyffrous sy’n symud rhwng dau fyd, a stori hudolus am chwilio, am berthyn ac am ein newid agwedd at yr amgylchedd.

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Ar gael wythnos nesaf!

Nofel newydd i'r arddegau cynnar (12-15 oed).

Nofel ddirgelwch cyffrous sy’n symud rhwng dau fyd, a stori hudolus am chwilio, am berthyn ac am ein newid agwedd at yr amgylchedd.

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zmissGirls in Black 🖤 color
zmissGirls 1/1 on in👉 👈 (#photo / ) PL see my and creative in

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Nofel newydd (11 - 15 oed / CS3)

Nofel ddirgelwch sy'n symud yn gyflym rhwng dau fyd, ac am berthyn, cariad a'r newid yn ein hagwedd at yr amgylchedd.

Ar gael diwedd Mai

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Fy merch wedi newid ei meddwl o wisgo fel Asterix (ar ôl i greu helmed o sgratsh a ffeindio dillad) ar Ddiwrnod y Llyfr, a bellach eisie mynd fel Gwen John (diolch a !).

Wish mi lyc...

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Ganji , Kurt , Naib sprites for the second part of the game!!


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Sneaky look at the next book I’m currently illustrating 😁 I wonder what happens in Grimsgate Hamlet? This is the welcome stone at the hamlet entrance

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Sam's genetic coding has certainly done a number on his gut, doesn't it? A little late birthday gift for the one and only Lupine! (aka Wolfgonewide on FA). Enjoy!

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I’ve been having a play around with these gorgeous ape’s and experimenting with some new ideas… they are only concepts at the moment and are only 11x9”
what do you think?

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Trying to redesign Thano. She changed bonewidow shell to something more moveable and modular.

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TRAWSNEWID DRAWING & SOCIAL 🌈 6pm TONIGHT, join us for a chilled session of chatting and drawing exercises and activities that focus on LGBTQ+ identity and Euphoria.
FREE suitable 14+

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TRAWSNEWID LDHTQ+ SGETSH A SGWRS 🌈 HENO 6pm, ymunwch â ni am sesiwn o sgwrsio, ymarferion darlunio a gweithgareddau sy'n canolbwyntio ar hunaniaeth LDHTQ + ac Euphoria.
AM DDIM addas i 14+

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JOIN US TODAY FOR 🤩 TRAWSNEWID TAKEOVER 🌈 Talks and fun workshops presented by Trawsnewid, National Museum Wales' LGBTQ+ young group.

Talks and workshops are all FREE and open for anyone 14+ years to join!
Details 👉🏼

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YMUNWCH A NI HEDDIW 🤩 DIWRNOD TRAWSNEWID LHDTQ+ 🌈 am sgyrsiau a gweithdai hwyliog AM DDIM a gyflwynir gan Trawsnewid, grŵp ifanc LHDTQ+ Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru

Manylion a tocynnau 👉🏼

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🤩 DIWRNOD TRAWSNEWID LHDTQ+ 🌈 Dydd Sadwrn 27 Tachwedd, llawn sgyrsiau a gweithdai hwyliog AM DDIM a gyflwynir gan Trawsnewid, grŵp ifanc LHDTQ+ Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru

Manylion a tocynnau 👉🏼

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🤩 TRAWSNEWID TAKEOVER 🌈 Saturday 27 November: talks and fun workshops presented by Trawsnewid, National Museum Wales' LGBTQ+ young group.

Talks and workshops are all FREE and open for anyone 14+ years to join!
Details 👉🏼

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TRAWSNEWID - BANNER MAKING 🌈 Join us for an enquiry banners, motifs and how they have been used to communicate, and continue to do so and a crash course in banner construction! FREE suitable for ages 14+.

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