A Nilgiri Marten pretty much cause I already designed Hoda. But if not then then a fennec fox cause they're the perfect mix of cat and dog. https://t.co/5LaYTfOA2k

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This is Hoda btw, he's Estele's familiar, based on the Nilgiri Marten~

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南インドのChrysochroa rajah nilgiriensis。日本のタマムシと似てる。

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Meet Danika!
Dani is the head Nilgiri stereotype, next to the leading Pranav. She's prideful in her own elegance and grace and ready to pin any naysayers. Next to her stuck up attitude, Danika does stand to be a formidable and humble hunter.

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I have alot more lions underway- SO LETS MAKE THIS A THREAD!

Here are Bhaskar and *Pranav. They are a brother-like pair that lead in coalition with each other over the whole of the Nilgiri Tribe. B is a bold fighter, where P is more posh and about diplomacy.

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◎あなたのサークル「Nilgiri Tea」は、日曜日 西地区“K”ブロック-23b に配置されました。

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◎あなたのサークル「Nilgiri Tea」は、月曜日 東地区“ト”ブロック-53b に配置されました。


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2階入ってすぐのD-02 Nilgiri Teaです。よろしくね。

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A selection of hand-tinted pages from Diana Ruth Wilson's "Flora" of the Nilgiri Hills that complements our early collection of local botanical drawings

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Diana Ruth Wilson, (1886-1969) Sherborne's pioneering botanist and one of the first to inventorise plants of the shola forests in the Nilgiri Hills

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